viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Tattoing Activity

                                               Activity Reading:  Answers

2.-    Target culture group         Tattoo Design              Significance
                   ---                       Forearms tattoos          For protection
            Maori culture                     ---                              ---
                   ---                              ---                       Prevent the skin
          Wodaabe womans               ---                       Ward off evil spirits

3.-  a) For many people, tattoos are marks of machismo.
      b) In North America, the cultural status of tattooing has steadily evolved over the past thirty years, from a rebellious, antisocial activity.
      c) Because each tattoo design is unique to the individual as it conveys specific information about that person social status, ancestry and skills.
      d) Line 47; "Potential".
      e) Because is his social status in the tribe has a woman.
       f) In spite of tattooing  is simply a trendy fashion statement for many, others choose tattooing as a way of honoring their cultural, ethnic or religious heritage. Tattoos often represent both fashion and cultural significance, as in the increasing popularity of Americanized.
      g) One of the reasons is; to a simbolic Image, second; is for Maori culture, to show his social status, third; Maori culture, womans tattoos around the mouth and chin to prevent the oldest, and finally; in Africa culture, tattoos to ward off evil spirit.

4.-  a) C = Intricate
      b) B = Wandering
      c)  A = Prevent

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