viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013



1.- Find the six arguments in favour of school uniform in the first text:
- School uniforms are a perfect way to identify students within the school compound.
- This increases the safety of students since any intruder would stand out.
- School uniforms are a perfect way to promote equality amongst the students.
- It is cheaper for you to buy school uniform for your child than it is to buy branded clothing.
- School uniforms also provide an atmosphere where the students are not distracted from their studies.
- School uniforms bring a sense of identity to the students.

2.- Read the second text. How does Mark Potterton refute the arguments you identified in question 1? Write them down. List any points that Potterton makes which are not explored in the first text:
- Now uniforms are back in fashion and are once again an indicator of social attitudes.
- They argue that learners are often so focused on their wardrobe that it distracts them from their school work.
- However, there is no data to prove that uniforms are conductive to learning and can improve student performance.
- We already know that learners who are forced to wear uniforms will find other ways to express themselves, possibly through the inappropriate use of make-up, piercings or jewellery.
- Schools spend a lot of time and energy on getting learners to wear their uniforms properly.
- Untucked shirts, loosened ties, missing belts, unbuttoned blazers and other infringements keep teachers very busy enforcing a uniform dress code.

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Before you Read

                                               Customs and Dress codes in the workplace:

1.-Are there any general dress codes in workplaces where you live? Do you think dress codes are effective?
  Yes, because in my workplace, in the school, the dress is the school uniform, because, the uniform can give you more concentration to study, because all have the same dress.

2.-In which other walks of life are dress codes important?
  In the parties, in the industries, in the office, in the church, in the marine; the dress is very important; in a party, the dress express you style, in the office and the industries; the suit express you high level status in the industries. In the church, the dress express your education, your respect the religion and the church, in the marine, the dress express her strength and military service in the country.

3.-What are the dress codes of young people in your countries?
  They don't have a dress codes of young people, because in my country, young people are dressed according to the style each having.

4.-What do dress codes tell us about a culture?
   In India, clothes express your beliefs and religion.

5.-What prohibitions are there on certain dress codes in your country?
     Why do these prohibitions exist?
    In my country,  they don't have a dress code prohibition, because in my country I see a lot of people will be dressed any dress.

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013



-Write a short letter of complain to the tour operator (Mr.Smith) about the things, you wish could have been better in your trip to Europe.
Think of hotels, restaurants, food, people, timing, types of  activities, places visited.

- You have to include the following connectives:
          Because, furthermore, when, in particular, however, as a result, if.
          Write between 300 and 350

- Follow the example (Structure, format) on páge 190.

Tattoing Activity

                                               Activity Reading:  Answers

2.-    Target culture group         Tattoo Design              Significance
                   ---                       Forearms tattoos          For protection
            Maori culture                     ---                              ---
                   ---                              ---                       Prevent the skin
          Wodaabe womans               ---                       Ward off evil spirits

3.-  a) For many people, tattoos are marks of machismo.
      b) In North America, the cultural status of tattooing has steadily evolved over the past thirty years, from a rebellious, antisocial activity.
      c) Because each tattoo design is unique to the individual as it conveys specific information about that person social status, ancestry and skills.
      d) Line 47; "Potential".
      e) Because is his social status in the tribe has a woman.
       f) In spite of tattooing  is simply a trendy fashion statement for many, others choose tattooing as a way of honoring their cultural, ethnic or religious heritage. Tattoos often represent both fashion and cultural significance, as in the increasing popularity of Americanized.
      g) One of the reasons is; to a simbolic Image, second; is for Maori culture, to show his social status, third; Maori culture, womans tattoos around the mouth and chin to prevent the oldest, and finally; in Africa culture, tattoos to ward off evil spirit.

4.-  a) C = Intricate
      b) B = Wandering
      c)  A = Prevent