lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

News Report

                                            "Dramatical Cinema night"
Felipe Sánchez Y. news reporter
July 20, Aurora, Colorado; theatre
-A crazy man, goes inside  the cinema, he looks like the Batman enemy,"the Joker", and he started shooting to the people inside just in the movie shooting scene, to produce confusion and panic. He killed 12 people and 50 wouden with his shooting and the gas bomb to produce a horrific confusion scene.

-The audience looks at the horrific scene, the scene was chaotic, a lot of people screaming of the horrific scene, Chandler Brannon ("Eyewitness"), he sees all the Mass shooting inside the cinema; he said; "I and my girlfriend we were watching the movie when this guy comes dressed as "the Joker", and began throwing gas bombs and shooting people, me and my girlfriend we were terrifield and we squeezed out by the gas, but we could escape safe from the movie; a lot of people screaming of the horrific scene, young childrens, the babies was crying."

-The crowd tries to leave the theater to escape of the chaos that lurks inside the cinema, which is sorrounded by police who are waiting to stop people leaving the theater to go to find the man who brought so much panic, to stop this panic that took over the cinema room.

-Finally, the criminal was cought, his name is James Holmes, is not know the reasons for their actions, which implies that is a crazy man, will be prosecuted for the act of docking and killing 12 people into a cinema full function. Finally tranquility reigns, but at what price, the panic that people lived in the film was shocking, acoording to witnesses who saw the horror and panic that caused this man at the expense of anything.

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